Enabling and Disabling The Bot through the Command Line

Follow these steps to enable or disable The Bot through the CLI:

  1. In the templater-options.json file, set bot_enable in the tasks object to true. All other property keys in the tasks object should be set to false.
  2. Run the Templater launch script through the command line interface using the configured templater-options.json file. See Running Templater from the Command Line for more information.

    WARNING  Enabling The Bot via the CLI requires a -ui flag be passed in the command line incantation for all features to operate correctly. Initiating The Bot without a UI may return a Window does not have a constructor error.

  3. After you have launched After Effects with a user interface, Templater will display a dialog alerting you that The Bot is enabled. You can view the log by clicking on the Display Log button. You can use the Navigate to Data Location button to open your source location. When you are ready to disable The Bot, click Disable Bot and Quit [After Effects] found in the open dialog.

NOTE  A "bot_disable" property key does not exist in Templater's JSON options object. Disabling The Bot can only be done by clicking Disable and Quit [After Effects] or by closing the command prompt or terminal window and force closing After Effects.