Sync a machine profile to a QUE Satellite

After adding a Satellite to QUE, you can sync any changes you make to its machine back to QUE. For example, after installing a new font or effect onto the machine or changing the machine's name, you'll need that new information reflected in the QUE Satellite.

Follow these steps to sync your machine's current profile to its associated Satellite:

  1. In Templater's main panel, click Preferences.

  2. In the Templater Preferences dialog, in the Data Source group, click QUE Configuration.

    NOTE  Templater must have authorization to access your QUE account before you can open the QUE Configuration dialog.

  3. Inside the Machine Profile panel, paste your QUE account's Organization Key into its field, and then click Load Profile. Wait for Templater to create a profile of the machine. When finished, the Machine Profile panel will display the current properties and values that Templater gathered about the host machine. If a corresponding Satellite is found for the machine profile, its data is displayed in the QUE Satellite Information pane.

  4. Click Sync to QUE. Wait for Templater to update the corresponding Satellite in QUE. Once completed you, refresh the Satellite view in the QUE Dash and expand the updated Satellite to view profile changes.