QUE Property Keys

Table 1: Property keys in templater-options.json for basic Templater operation

Key Name Type Default Description Notes
job_filter Object {...} A group of properties that define a filter when Templater requests Job data from anyQUE Campaign. This group of properties refer to the settings a user configures in the Job Selection Setup dialog opened from the Transport area of Templater's main panel.
job_filter.id String empty When set, Templater retrieves a single Job from QUE that matches the specified value. String must conform to the MongoDB ObjectId format. For example "605d0a2efebbc63c132b6e29", "61475eed4ebb3535effb4b6c" are valid IDs.
job_filter.status String empty When set, Templater retrieves QUE Jobs with a "render-status" value matching the specified string. Possible values are "ready", "queued", "processing", and "done".
job_filter.properties Object {...} When set, Templater uses this group of user defined key-value pairs for filtering QUE Jobs that match the specified values. Use this to retrieve Jobs that match a specific key-value set. For example, you could set this to { "first_name" : "jane", "locale" : "english" } to have Templater retrieve all QUE Jobs that have a "first_name" property that matches "jane" and a "locale" property set to "english".
job_filter.creation_start String
empty When set, Templater retrieves QUE Jobs created after the specified date. Used together with the "creation_end" key. If this value is set, "creation_end" must have a value.
job_filter.creation_end String
empty When set, Templater retrieves QUE Jobs created before the specified date. Used together with the "creation_start" key. If this value is set, "creation_start" must have a value.
job_filter.sort_rank Array ["_updatedAt"] When set, Templater sorts retrieved QUE Jobs according to the order of the properties specified in the array. For example, if you set this to ["_updatedAt", "last_name"], retrieved jobs are sorted first by "_updateAt" value and then by "last_name".

["_updatedAt"] - sorts according to when retrieved Jobs were last modified

["_createdAt"] - sorts according to when retrieved Jobs were created

["output"] - sorts according to the retrieved Jobs' output property

job_filter.sort_dir String "DESC" Specifies either an ascending or descending sort order for retrieved Jobs. Possible values are "ASC" for ascending order and "DESC" for descending order.
job_filter.page_number Integer 1 Specifies the page number of returned results that Templater should process. By default, Templater only processes the first page of results it retrieves from QUE. Use a number greater than 1 to have Templater begin processing Jobs starting at that page.
prefs.jobs_per_page Integer 5 Specifies the maximum amount of Jobs that Templater should process for any give page. A higher amount of Jobs per page may cause sluggish behavior as Templater processes Jobs.
job_filter.additional_pages Integer 0 Specifies the amount of additional pages of retrieved Jobs that Templater should process. By default Templater only processes the first page of returned Jobs. Use this property to set how many pages of returned Jobs Templater should process.
satellite Object {...} A group of keys for configuring the machine as a Satellite This group of properties refers to the settings a user configures in the QUE Configuration dialog opened from Templater's preferences.
satellite.org_key String empty Specifies your QUE account's organization key. You can find the key in the "Account" area of the QUE dashboard. This is required if you are setting the root "tasks" property to ["sat_register"], ["sat_auth"], ["sat_deauth"], or ["sat_remove"].
satellite.all_campaigns Boolean false Specifies whether Templater should retrieve Jobs from any QUE Campaign in your account. Use this setting if you want to process Jobs assigned to your Satellite regardless of which QUE Campaign it exists in.
satellite.output_naming String "override" Specifies how your QUE Satellite should name Templater output. This value can be one of the following:

"unique" - assets are automatically named according to the Job's "_id"

"prepend" - assets are automatically named according to the Job's "_id", while the Job's "output" value refers to a sub-directory, relative to Templater's destination directory, for saving

"override" assets are named according to the Job's "output" value. If no "output" value exists, the output is named according to the Job's "_id"

When specifying "unique" or "prepend", output files are named following the MongoDB ObjectId format. In this case, filenames might be 605d0a2efebbc63c132b6e29.mov or 61475eed4ebb3535effb4b6c.avi