Running Templater from the Command Line

Run Templater from the command line by entering the name of the launcher script file followed by some arguments. Without supplying the required arguments, the launcher script will output its usage, documentation, and examples.

For example, assuming your file system has a directory named WeatherForecast containing the required files as listed in Requirements for running the Templater CLI, and that the environment is running Adobe After Effects CC 2015, you would follow these steps to invoke Templater from the command line:

  1. On Windows, start a new Powershell terminal. On OSX, start a new terminal session.
  2. Change into the WeatherForecast directory. On Windows, use cd C:\Templater\WeatherForecast. On OSX, use cd ~/Templates/WeatherForecast
  3. On Windows, at the Powershell prompt >, type the following and press enter:
    PS C:\Templates\WeatherForecast> .\templater.ps1 -v '2020'

    On OSX, at the Terminal prompt $, type the following and press enter:
    iMac:WeatherForecast dataclay$ ./ -v '2020'

    NOTE  If the launcher file does not execute, you may need to set its permissions. On OSX, you can use sudo chmod u+x to ensure is executable for the current user. On Windows, use the "Security" tab in the `File Properties` dialog to change the permissions of templater.ps1 for the current user.

  4. Wait for Templater to configure according to the templater-options.json file and complete its versioning tasks with After Effects.
  5. After processing is complete, the launcher script displays the last message logged to templater.log as well as the last reported error as found in templater.err.
  6. If the desired output is not found, begin troubleshooting. You should verify configuration in the templater-options.json file, and then inspect the templater.log and templater.err files to learn more about any issues Templater reports. Refer to Troubleshooting the Templater CLI for more information.