Working with Autografs

After preparing your project to accept mapped data with Templater and verifying how that data merges into dynamic layers, you can create an Autograf and add it to QUE. Once it exists in QUE, you can clone it to a new Autograf, update it, or remove it. You can use Templater's Autograf Setup dialog to manage your opened Autograf. Alternatively, you can use the QUE Dash to inspect an Autograf's manifest or remove it from QUE if your user account has those privileges.

Autografs are typically added to QUE from a machine that is associated with a QUE Satellite. In this way, you are assured that Jobs processed by that Satellite can load the Autograf and its dependencies for error-free processing. If you need your Autografs and their dependencies on multiple Satellites, you will need to adopt a workflow for deploying them to each of your Satellites. For example, you can use a sync folder service such as Google Drive or Dropbox to ensure all Satellites have the latest project file, but you may need to install and activate specific fonts and effects on each Satellite to ensure the Autograf can be processed without any dependency errors.

When creating a new QUE Campaign you choose a default Autograf so that any inserted Jobs will use that selection if none is specified. Later, using the QUE Dash, you can edit a Job to use a particular Autograf for output.