Attaching Layers

Templater automatically repositions an attached layer when its sibling layer updates with new data. Attaching is conceptually similar to parenting one layer to a child layer, except that it tracks the extents of a dynamic layer so that another layer can align to them. In this way, layers can follow a dynamic layer’s bounding box when its data get updated with new data. When Templater updates a dynamic layers’ position and scale, it adjusts the position of any attached sibling layers accordingly.

You can attach a dynamic layer to a sibling layer so that Templater automatically adjusts the position of an attached layer when its sibling layer updates with new data.

  1. Apply the Templater Settings effect to more than one layer in a composition.
  2. Select an initial layer. In the Templater Settings effect controls, under Attachment, choose a sibling layer in the Attach to Layer drop down. The initial layer will reposition itself to the selected sibling layer.
  3. Using the Attach On drop down, choose an edge or corner of the sibling layer that the initial layer will attach to.

    NOTE   A layer cannot be attached to itself. Doing this will show unexpected results.

  4. If you are attaching to the edge of a sibling layer and you want to center the initial layer on the edge of the sibling layer, check the Center on edges box.
  5. If you want a cushion of pixels along an attached edge or corner, use the Attach padding slider.
Layer a attaches to layer b at the specified location

a on left edge of b

a centered on left edge of b

a on top edge of b

a centered on top edge of b

a on right edge of b

a centered on right edge of b

a on bottom edge of b

a centered on bottom edge of b

a on bottom left corner of b

a on top left corner of b

a on bottom right corner of b

a on top right corner of b