Add a Satellite to QUE

QUE Satellites are authorized machines that process Jobs into output files. To create output, a Satellite must have your Autograf's authoring application, such as Adobe After Effects, and Templater installed. QUE requires that you add at least one Satellite to your account before you can begin assigning Jobs for processing. Use Templater to create a unique profile of your host machine that will be used when it adds your machine to QUE as a Satellite. You can use the QUE Dash to list all added Satellites, allowing you to access various processing statistics.

Follow these steps to add a Satellite to QUE using Templater

  1. In Templater's main panel, click Preferences.

  2. In the Templater Preferences dialog, in the Data Source group, click QUE Configuration.

    NOTE  Templater must have authorization to access your QUE account before you can open the QUE Configuration dialog.

  3. Inside the Machine Profile area, paste your QUE account's Organization Key into its field, and then click Load Profile. Wait for Templater to read and write the host machine's profile. When Templater is finished, the Machine Profile panel displays all the properties Templater gathered about the host machine. See Understanding Satellite Properties for more information.

  4. To add the host machine as a Satellite to QUE, click Add to QUE. Upon success, the QUE Satellite Information window displays properties of the newly added Satellite. The Satellite is named according to the name of the host machine and is now associated with the machine profile.

    TIP If your machine profile is already associated with a Satellite, the Add to QUE button will be disabled after Templater loads the machine profile. In this case, you can sync the latest machine profile to QUE, or remove the Satellite from QUE. If you are unable to add a Satellite from your machine, see Managing and Troubleshooting QUE Satellites.

  5. If you want the Satellite to process all assigned Jobs stored within any Campaign, mark the checkbox next to This Satellite processes Jobs in all Campaigns. Leaving this setting unchecked means the Satellite will only process Jobs that exist in the Campaign Templater is directly linked to.

  6. Choose the method the Satellite will use to name output assets by selecting one of the options in the Satellite Output Naming group:

    • Automatically named and saved in destination. Ignores job output property. File names for output assets are derived from the _id property of the processed Job. Assets are always written to the root of Templater's output destination.
    • Automatically named and saved in destination. Uses job output property as subfolder path. File names for output assets are derived from the processed Job's _id property. Assets are written to a subfolder within Templater's output destination . The subfolder path is derived from the processed Job's output property.
    • Uses job output property for custom name and subfolder in destination. File names for output assets are derived from the output property of the processed Job. When no output value exists, the asset is named according to the processed Job's _id property. Assets are written to Templater's output destination directory or a subfolder within the destination when a path is specified in the processed Job's output value.
  7. Click OK to save the Satellite settings.

  8. View details of the added Satellite in the QUE Dash by refreshing the Satellites view and opening the satellite listing. See Understanding Satellite Properties for more information about its details.