Setting up a Google Sheets Document as a Data Source

Follow these steps to set up a Google Sheets spreadsheet for use as a Templater data source.

WARNING  As of March 3, 2020, versions of Templater prior to 2.9.5 will no longer function with Google Sheets due to Google retiring version 3 of its Google Sheets API. Templater 2.9.5 and newer uses version 4 of Google Sheets API to access your data. You will need to reauthorize Templater to access your Google data after updating to the latest version.

  1. Create a spreadsheet using Google Sheets.
  2. When setting up your spreadsheet, ensure that the name of each dynamic layer within the project file corresponds to a column name in your spreadsheet.

    WARNING  There are reserved column names that you should avoid using when naming dynamic layers in your compositions.  Using reserved column names can cause errors when Templater processes your data source. See Reserved Column Names to learn which labels to avoid.

  3. Depending on the dynamic layer's type, enter text, paths or URLs to footage sources, or hex color values into rows under corresponding columns. Local footage references should be relative to the path specified in the Footage field in the Templater panel under Batch Assets. Hex values should begin with a # pound symbol so that Google Sheets does not interpret certain hex values as numbers rather than hex strings.

NOTE   Due to changes in Google Sheets API, Templater Bot only supports Google Sheets documents created in 2014 or later.